Thursday, July 24, 2008

Monkey Business

A friend of mine, from back in my future friendly days, has started a new line of momwear called Monkeywear. Dads can wear them too, I just think they look so much better on moms. Gone are the tacky extra peripheral baby carriers, here's a slick new way to take your baby around. I think it's genius. I swear I'm not getting a cut for saying this.

Monkeywear is the runnings for the SavvyMom Mom Entrepreneur of The Year award, a well deserved award for a very innovative product. Please go vote for them!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Record Breaking

In 5 minutes, it will be July 21st. Which means that I will have officially beat my "longest employment in London" record. Hoo-rah!