Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Suck

A few months back, Jules flew all the way to Toronto to visit me. Even though she doesn't quite enjoy it, she still came out with me to watch a UFC fight at a sports bar. She stood by me the entire time (literally, there were no seats), cheered with us as GSP demolished Hughes, and even kicked back a drink with the boys.

Last week, she showed me the Cage Rage tickets that she got for me as Valentine's Day gift. Cage Rage is the UFC of the UK, with majority of their fighters hailing from England. She's coming with me to a fight again, this time live at Wembley Stadium on the 8th. I'm stoked. I have a great GF.

A few nights ago, I tried to sit and watch The Notebook with her. This was part of the deal I made with her to get her to come to the UFC fight in Toronto in the first place. 30 minutes into the movie, she looks at me and says

"I can see that this is boring you. Let's put something else on."

She's going to watch 6 hours of voilence with me and I can't sit through 1.5 hours of chick flick with her.

I suck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you got a loving girlfriend man. 6hrs of watching blood and gore for a mere price of 30mins of "i love you shit" all i have to say is wow.....