It must suck to be a celebrity. Every time you see them on TV or photographed in a magazine, they are always swarmed by paparazzi. Even Masi Oka has a small contingent of photographers following him once in a while.
There's an incredible demand for these paparazzi photos, mostly because normal folks want to see celebrities fall or be caught in compromising positions. Watching them trip over themselves or walk around without make up makes us feel like we're not any less then these glamorous stars, who are somehow superior beings because of their status. We really shouldn't need these photos to justify our existence, but somehow, it helps.
Until now, this feeling of justification was reserved for the TMZs of the world. Not any more! A new blog named PhotoshopDiasters has surfaced recently, citing surprisingly bad and often hilarious mistakes done by graphic pros. Photoshop geeks rejoice as press-release photos of a three-armed Beyonce are exposed, or a 6 fingered woman is used for the latest Grand Theft Auto ads.
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